Looking for a formal piece of accounting advice? David has extensive experience in preparing accounting position papers. A fixed fee is negotiated up front and David will ensure that the paper addresses all your audit, accounting, and any other requirements, you may have.
David’s experience includes:
• ASX listed clients;
• Private companies;
• Not-for-profit entities; and
• The public sector and auditor general clients.
Do you want to ensure that your draft contract or business transaction doesn’t result in a bad accounting outcome in advance of putting pen to paper/signing on the dotted line? David provides accounting advice on prospective transactions like proposed business combinations, revenue contracts and share based payments arrangements. This prevents any adverse accounting outcomes down the track.
Got a complex convertible note or borrowing arrangement? David can help with preparing both the accounting advice and associated journals entries.
David has access to a wide network of experts in the field of accounting, auditing and corporate finance, so if you need a purchase price allocation and position paper on a business combination, please reach out to us.
Would you like a hot or cold review of your financial statements. Reach out to us.